UK Data Service .Stat Guides
Guide to Human Rights Atlas
The Human Rights Atlas, 2012 dataset was created for the ESRC-funded Human Rights Atlas Project. It brings together more than 240 different measures of economic, social, political, and legal life for almost 200 different countries across the world.
Using published data from the World Bank, the United Nations, academics, non-governmental organisations and the other bodies, the atlas gives a picture of the lives and rights of human beings over a 30-year period from 1981 onwards.
Main topics
- Human rights in practice
- Human Development Index
- Combined Polity Score
- Torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
- Discrimination against women
- Racial Discrimination
- Rights of persons with disabilities
- Rights of the child
- Enforced disappearance
- Rights of migrant workers
- Political rights
- Economic, social and cultural rights
- International criminal court
- CIRI Physical Integrity Rights Index
- Political terror scale (amnesty)
- Political terror scale (state)
- GINI Index
- CIRI New Empowerment Rights Index
Access Human rights atlas data
Access to the Human Rights Atlas data 2012 via UKDS.Stat is freely available to all.
This data is also available to download in SPSS, Stata and tab de-limited format in zip files from the catalogue record (SN7636). The catalogue record also includes data access conditions and copyright information.