UK Data Service .Stat Guides
Guide to the International Energy Agency datasets
The International Energy Agency (IEA) datasets published by the Energy Statistics Division contain annual and quarterly time series data from 1960 onwards on energy production, trade, stocks, transformation, consumption, prices and taxes as well as on greenhouse gas emissions for over the 30 OECD Member countries and over 100 non-OECD countries world-wide.
In OECD Member Countries the data are collected by official bodies (most often the national statistics office in each country) from firms, government agencies and industry organisations and are then reported to the IEA using questionnaires to ensure international comparability. In non-OECD countries the data are collected directly from government and industry contacts and from national publications.
The geographical coverage of IEA's statistics includes the 30 OECD Member Countries and over 100 non-OECD countries worldwide. The majority of the IEA datasets contain annually updated time series from 1960 onwards but the Energy Prices and Taxes dataset is updated quarterly.
The IEA provides the Questionnaire Resource Centre where further information on the methodologies and questionnaires can be found.
Main topics
The following is a brief description of each of the IEA datasets available to UK higher and further education users at the UK Data Service:
Energy Statistics of OECD Countries DatabaseThis database contains basic energy statistics for 30 OECD countries and six regions. Data are provided for energy supply and consumption in original units (1000 metric tons, terajoules and gigawatt hours) for various types of coal, oil, gas, renewables and waste, as well as for electricity and heat. Definitions of products and flows, explanatory notes on the individual country data and net calorific values are also included. In general, data are available for 1960 onwards. This database is updated by the IEA in May each year.
Energy Balances of OECD Countries DatabaseThis database contains energy balances for 30 OECD countries and six regions. Detailed energy balances are provided in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe). Definitions of products and flows, explanatory notes on the individual country data, indicators (including GDP, population, industrial production index and ratios calculated with the energy data) and net calorific values are also included. In general, data are available for 1960 onwards. This database is updated by the IEA in May each year.
Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries DatabaseThis database contains basic energy statistics for over 100 Non-OECD countries and 11 regions. Data are provided for energy supply and consumption in original units (1000 metric tons, terajoules and gigawatt hours) for various types of coal, oil, gas, renewables and waste, as well as for electricity and heat. Definitions of products and flows, explanatory notes on the individual country data and net calorific values are also included. Moreover, oil demand by product is given in tonnes and barrels per day. In general, data are available for 1971 onwards. This database is updated by the IEA at the beginning of September each year.
Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries DatabaseThis database contains energy balances for over 100 Non-OECD countries and 11 regions. Detailed energy balances are provided in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe). Definitions of products and flows, explanatory notes on the individual country data, indicators (including GDP, population and ratios calculated with the energy data) and net calorific values are also included. In general, data are available for 1971 onwards. This database is updated by the IEA at the beginning of September each year.
World Energy Balances DatabaseThis database is a compilation of the data in the Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries database and the Energy Balances of OECD Countries database.
World Energy Statistics DatabaseThis database is a compilation of the data in the Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries database and the Energy Statistics of OECD Countries database.
Oil Information DatabaseThe Oil Information database contains time series of oil data for 30 OECD countries from 1960 onwards. Country aggregates for OECD Total, OECD North America, OECD Pacific, OECD Europe, IEA Total and European Union are also included. Statistics are available for detailed supply/demand balances, end-use consumption, trade by origin and destination as well as for stock levels and changes. Some major series for world-wide historical demand and supply are included. Annual Oil Statistics (AOS) contains data in thousand metric tons for crude oil, NGL, and 14 petroleum products. This database is updated by the IEA in August each year.
Natural Gas Information DatabaseThe Natural Gas Information database contains time series of annual gas supply balances for OECD and non-OECD countries from 1960 onwards. Country aggregates for OECD Total, OECD North America, OECD Pacific, OECD Europe, IEA and regional totals. Statistics for the World include data on production, total imports and exports and gross inland consumption. For the OECD countries, more detailed information on supply and consumption by sector, and trade by origin and destination is available. This database is updated by the IEA in August each year.
Coal Information DatabaseThe Coal Information database contains complete time series of coal statistics corresponding to the data shown in Part II of the annual IEA publication Coal Information. Selected tables from Part I of the publication are also included. Also included is a database of world-wide coal statistics covering production, trade, use in transformation (electricity and heat production) and final consumption in Industry and other Sectors. The Coal Information database contains time series of annual coal data for OECD and non-OECD countries from 1960 onwards. The IEA Coal Information database is structured into four databases and a set of selected tables. This database is updated by the IEA in July each year.
Electricity Information DatabaseThe Electricity Information database contains time series of electricity statistics of OECD countries for supply, consumption, trade, capacity and price, and some projection data corresponding to the data shown in Part II of the annual IEA publication Electricity Information. Where available, all tables from Part I of the publication are also included. Data are based on submissions from national administrations to the Secretariat. The database contains time series of annual electricity and heat data for OECD countries from 1960 onwards. The online Electricity Information database is structured into eight tables. This database is updated by the IEA in September each year.
CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion DatabaseThe CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion database provides a comparative analysis of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, a major source of anthropogenic emissions. The data are designed to assist in understanding the evolution of these emissions on a country, regional and worldwide basis. Data are included for 30 OECD countries and for more than 100 non-OECD countries and regions. In general, OECD data are available from 1960 and non-OECD data from 1971 onwards. Emissions have been calculated using the IEA energy databases and the default methods and emissions factors from the Revised 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Energy Prices and TaxesThis database contains a major international compilation of energy prices at all market levels: import prices, industry prices and consumer prices. The statistics cover import costs and export prices of main petroleum products, natural gas and coal in OECD countries. End-user prices and taxes for selected petroleum, gas and coal products as well as for electricity are provided for industry, electricity generation and households for OECD countries and a selection of non-OECD countries. Full notes on sources and methods and a description of price mechanisms in each country are included. Time series availability varies with each data series. In general, end-user prices and taxes start in 1978, import costs in 1980 and spot prices in 1982. This database is updated by the IEA in January, April, July and October of each year.
Renewables Information DatabaseThe Renewables Information database contains complete time series of renewables and wastes statistics corresponding to the data shown in Part II of the annual IEA publication Renewables Information. A table from Part I of the publication showing selected renewables indicators for OECD and non-OECD countries is also included. Data are based on submissions from national administrations to the Secretariat. The database contains time series of annual renewables and wastes data for OECD countries from 1990 onwards. This database is updated by the IEA in August each year.
Energy Technology Research and Development DatabaseThe IEA Energy Technology R&D database is divided into two parts:
- Government Energy Technology R&D Budgets
Budgets are available for several R&D activities: conservation, fossil fuels, renewable energy, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion as well as power and storage technologies. Data for 23 IEA Member countries are available. (No data are provided for Luxembourg). Moreover, data for certain countries are not available for all years. Data for the European Commission are currently being revised and have not been included.
- Economic Indicators (used for deflating and currency conversion)
Three series are available: Nominal GDP in national currency, US Dollar Exchange rate and GDP Deflator.
Documentation can be found on the IEA RD&D site.
Projections: Energy Policies of IEA CountriesThis service contains projections for 28 IEA countries that are collected directly from the Member Countries for the series on Energy Policies of IEA Countries. The assumptions used to compile these forecasts vary depending on the country and are not documented centrally by the IEA. These forecasts are not part of the World Energy Outlook model.
Energy balances are provided for supply and consumption in million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe). Definitions of products and flows, explanatory notes on the individual country data, indicators (including GDP and population) are included. Where available, data are given for 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2035 and 2040.
Access International Energy agency data
Access to the International Energy Agency data is via UKDS.Stat and is available to all UK Further/Higher Education (FE/HE) users, including undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers and staff at an FE/HE institution in the UK.
Note: we are in the process of moving all IEA to the UKDS.Stat interface.
The IEA provides the following documentation on its website:
- IEA covers a broad range of today’s energy issues, from technology to market developments, and highlights the energy challenges of tomorrow
- IEA Publications provides links to IEA's publications and papers, including free publications