UK Data Service .Stat Guides
Guide to OECD Monthly Statistics of International Trade
The Statistics of International Trade database provides monthly data from 1961 on imports and exports of goods by partner countries, trade in value classified by sections of SITC, volume indices, average unit value indices and price indices including seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators for OECD countries with over 300 different partner countries and groups of partner countries.
The Monthly Statistics of International Trade database comprises the following datasets:
Net trade and coverage ratio
This dataset includes monthly calculated indicators: net trade, exports less imports, and coverage ratio. The series show both raw and seasonally adjusted data which cover all goods which add to, or subtract from, the resources of a country as a result of their movement into or out of the country. Data are expressed in million US dollars as monthly averages, whereas quarterly and annual data are calculated as averages of monthly figures. Data are available from 1990 onwards.
Trade in value by partner countries
This dataset includes statistics on trade of member countries and groups of member countries with 310 partner countries and groups of partner countries, showing monthly imports and exports. Data are expressed in million US dollars as monthly averages, whereas quarterly and annual data are calculated as averages of monthly figures. Data refer to declared transaction values of imports, reported c.i.f., and exports, reported f.o.b., for most countries and are available from 1955.
Trade in value classified by sections of SITC
This dataset provides data on imports and exports classified into ten major groups and the total according to the Standard International Trade Classification Revision 3 (SITC Rev. 3). Data are expressed in million US dollars as monthly averages, whereas quarterly and annual data are calculated as averages of monthly figures and available from 1955.
Trade indicators in value
This dataset comprises trade indicators for imports and exports in values of trade. The series show both raw and seasonally adjusted data, expressed in million US dollars as monthly averages, whereas quarterly and annual data are calculated as averages of monthly figures and available from 1990.
Volume, unit value, and price indices: OECD base year
This dataset includes monthly volume indices, average unit value indices and price indices for imports and exports. There is considerable variation between countries in the detail provided and the classifications used. Unit value indices reflect changes in the commodity composition of trade as well as pure price movement. Unless otherwise stated, volume and price indices are base-weighted (Laspeyre); unit value indices are current weighted (Paasche). Data are index based 2000=100 and available from 1955.
Exchange rates for monthly trade
This dataset includes conversion factors used for Monthly Statistics of International Trade datasets as well as fluctuations from those exchange rates across time. Data are expressed in US dollars per national currency and converted using IMF monthly average conversion rates, available from 1955.
Access to the OECD Monthly Statistics of International Trade via UKDS.Stat is freely available to all.
Effective July 15th 2015, the UK Data Service made access to OECD online statistics databases free to all users. Please refer to the OECD’s Terms and Conditions, including information on ‘What can you do with OECD published content (data, text and multimedia products).
The OECD also provides the following documentation associated with this dataset: