UK Data Service .Stat Guides
Guide to OECD Measuring Globalisation
The Globalisation Statistics database contains figures on foreign affiliates (inward investment) by investing country in the manufacturing sector covering variables such as number of enterprises, total employees, gross output, imports/exports, gross fixed capital formation and Research and Development expenditures and also presents data on inward and outward investment for services.
Main topics
Measuring Globalisation is split into a number of datasets:
Activity of multinationals in manufacturing and Activity of multinationals in services
Provide comprehensive data on the industrial activity (manufacturing, service) of multinationals in OECD. It covers variables such as production, employment, research and trade, inward as well as outward investment. It also includes some international trade indicators that provide cross-disciplinary background information.
Maritime transport costs
This comparative table includes statistics on bilateral maritime transport costs for 43 importing countries including EU15 countries as a custom union and 218 countries of origin at the detailed commodity 6 digit level of the Harmonised System 1988. The table is further broken down by type of goods (agriculture,raw materials,crude oil,manufacturing), commodity (oil seed, vegetable, organic chemicals), transport cost measures (ad valorem transport, unit transport cost) and transport mode (containers, dirty bulk). Data are available from 1991 onwards.
Trade by enterprise characteristics
The Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC) database contains international annual trade data broken down in different categories of enterprises. It aims to provide a solid basis for analysts who explore in the context of globalisation the characteristics of trade actors.
Access OECD data
Access to the OECD Measuring Globalisation via UKDS.Stat is freely available to all.
Effective July 15th 2015, the UK Data Service made access to OECD online statistics databases free to all users. Please refer to the OECD’s Terms and Conditions, including information on ‘What can you do with OECD published content (data, text and multimedia products).