UK Data Service .Stat Guides
Guide to OECD Patent Statistics
The OECD database on patents contains patent data and indicators that are suitable for statistical analysis and that can help addressing Science and Technology policy issues.
Main Topics
Indicators of international co-operation
This dataset presents statistics on Indicators of international co-operation in patents (EPO, USPTO & PCT): where EPO stands for European Patent Office, USPTO for US Patent and Trademark Office and PCT for Patent Cooperation Treaty. Those indicators analyze to cross-border ownership of patents reflecting international flows of knowledge from the inventor country to the applicant countries and international flows of funds for research (multinational companies) and co-inventions representing the international collaboration in the inventive process. Data are divided in terms of Patent office & Triadic Patent families (application filed under EPO, patent grants at the USPTO, patent application filed under the PCT), type of international Cooperation in Patenting (foreign ownership, domestic ownership, % of patents invented abroad), reference date (application date, priority date, date of grant) and partner country. Data are presented as annual datapoints from 1976 onwards.
Patents by main technology and by International Patent Classification (IPC)
This dataset comprises statistics on patents by main technology and International Patent Classification (IPC). EPO, USPTO, PCT and Triadic Patent Families are in fact presented according to classes of the International Patent Classification (IPC class up to 4 characters) and for selected technology domains such as ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology as well as environment-related technologies. Data are presented from 1976 onwards.
Patents by regions
This dataset includes statistics on patent counts by regions where EPO and PCT filings are presented according to the region of the inventors/applicants residence (Territorial Level 3), including total patents and selected technology domains such as ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology as well as environment-related technologies. Reference regions are available by inventor’s country of residence and applicant’s country of residents. Data are presented from 1978 onwards.
Access to the OECD Patent Statistics via UKDS.Stat is freely available to all.
Effective July 15th 2015, the UK Data Service made access to OECD online statistics databases free to all users. Please refer to the OECD’s Terms and Conditions, including information on ‘What can you do with OECD published content (data, text and multimedia products).
The OECD also provides the following documentation associated with this dataset:
- OECD's Work on Patent Statistics
- The OECD Patent Statistics Manual (2009) capitalises on new experience on patent statistics and promote the harmonisation of methodologies. It addresses issues regarding the complexity of patent data and provide statisticians and analysts with guidelines for building and analysing patent-related indicators.