UK Data Service .Stat Guides
Guide to OECD Services Statistics
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) International Trade in Services runs from 1970 for all OECD countries.
Main topics
The database on International Trade in Services shows the value of each Member country's exports and imports of services by type of service.
Trade in services - EBOPS 2010
This dataset aims to assemble and disseminate balance of payments data on trade in services at the most detailed partner-country and service-category level available. To the extent that countries report them, data are also broken down by type of service according to the EBOPS classification. These data cover international trade in services between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual and the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS2010), which is consistent with the balance of payments classification but is more detailed. Statistics by partner country and service category on international trade in services such as transportation, communication services, financial services, government services are recorded for Australia and Chile from 1999 onwards and shown in US dollars.
Trade in services - EBOPS 2002
This dataset provides statistics on international trade in services by service category and partner country for 34 OECD countries plus the European Union (EU27), the euro area (EA17), the Russian Federation and Hong Kong, China as well as definitions and methodological notes. These data cover international trade in services between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the fifth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual and the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS 2002), which is consistent with the balance of payments classification but is more detailed. To the extent that countries report them, data are also broken down by type of service according to the EBOPS classification. Series are shown in national currency, euros and US dollars and are recorded from 1970 onwards.
Trade in services: national classification items
This dataset contains additional national data on international trade in services for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Turkey and the United States. The data are reported within the framework of the fifth and sixth editions of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual and the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS 2002 and EBOPS 2010), which is consistent with the balance of payments classification but is more detailed. Series are shown in US dollars and are recorded from 1970 onwards.
The types of services are presented according to the services classification of the 1993 Fifth edition of the Balance of Payments Manual of the International Monetary Fund (BPM5) and its detailed extension, the Extended Balance of Payments Services (EBOPS) Classification.
The database is the result of joint work by the OECD and Eurostat.
The country data are submitted directly to both organisations. In some cases, data for EU countries have been adjusted or estimated by Eurostat in order to enable the calculation of EU totals, and these data are supplied to OECD. The work-sharing procedure ensures that data published by both organisations are the same. This feature should better satisfy users' requirements. To the same effect, comparable zone totals for the EU, G7, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe and total OECD are calculated.
Access OECD data
Access to the OECD Science and Technology Indicators via UKDS.Stat is freely available to all.
Effective July 15th 2015, the UK Data Service made access to OECD online statistics databases free to all users. Please refer to the OECD’s Terms and Conditions, including information on ‘What can you do with OECD published content (data, text and multimedia products).
The OECD produces the following documentation about the database:
- OECD International Trade in Services web pages provide links to other international organisations sites related to International Trade in Services
- Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services, a joint publication of six agencies:- the UN, EC, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, and WTO, addresses a growing demand from governments, businesses and analysts for more relevant, detailed and internationally comparable statistics on services trade.